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bogor botanical gardens

The Bogor Botanical Gardens is a large botanical garden located in the city of Bogor, Indonesia. The area reaches 87 hectares and has 15,000 types of collections of trees and plants.

the history

The history of Bogor Botanical Gardens

At first this garden will only be used as an experimental garden for plantation crops that will be introduced in the Dutch East Indies. But in its development the establishment of the Bogor Botanical Gardens can be said to have started the development of science in Indonesia and as a forum for scientists, especially in the field of botany in Indonesia, in an organized manner at that time (1880-1905). From here, several other scientific institutions were born, such as Bibliotheca Bogoriensis (1842), Herbarium Bogoriense (1844), Cibodas Botanical Gardens (1860), Treub Laboratory (1884), and Museum and Zoology Laboratory (1894).

After independence, in 1949's Lands Plantentiun te Buitenzorg changed its name to the Nature Investigation Bureau, then became the Natural Research Center Institute (LLPA) for the first time managed and led by the Indonesian people, Prof. Ir. Kusnoto Setyodiwiryo. At that time, LPPA had 6 subsidiary institutions, namely Bibliotheca Bogoriensis, Hortus Botanicus Bogoriensis, Herbarium Bogoriensis, Treub Laboratory, Zoologicum Bogoriensis Museum and Marine Investigation Laboratory. In 1956 for the first time the leadership of the Botanical Gardens was held by the Indonesian people, namely Sudjana Kassan replacing J. Douglas.